Every year, October 15th is observed as Global Handwashing Day. Because of the virus, now everyone knows how important hand hygiene is in protecting us from the disease. However, many do not know that, by washing our hands in a proper way, we could also keep away from many other diseases. In children especially, many deaths that are caused by diarrhoea and pneumonia every year can be greatly reduced just by washing hands. As an organisation that has been working with children for the past several years, one thing we know for sure is that we have to be creative, if we want to teach children anything. So, we used this no school period as an opportunity and conducted a competition on the very theme, Hand washing. This competition was conducted to a limited number of around 450 children, who are currently under the care of our project Vaaradhi (It looks after the educational needs of Orphan and Semi orphan children studying in government high schools). We have personally called and messaged every child about the competition and encouraged them to participate. On the theme, i.e Hand Washing, we have put three categories of competition. Essay Writing, Drawing, Talking on a video. Around —– children actively participated and amazed us with their creativity. —— of them were declared to be the winners. While every participant got a participation certificate, the winners got a story book and a cash prize of Rs. 500 in addition.