Padala Charitable Trust


Padala Charitable Trust (PCT) is a non-profit, non-government organization founded and registered in 2002. The primary goal of PCT is to uplift the needy with no bar on their caste, religion or gender.


Currently, the Trust is actively working in the following projects.


SSS Pilot Project @ APREI Schools in AP: Jan 2022

Read the Complete Report Here


1. SET

SET (Student Empowerment Training) is designed to impart life skills, leadership, and motivation in high school and college students.

If you’d want our team to hold a SET session at your school: Click Here


2. Sethu

Sethu is a career guidance and counselling project for high school and junior college students. It imparts right knowledge and skills upon each individual to choose a career path that is best suited to their interests and talent.

 To know about the modules involved in this project: Read here.


3. Swechha

 SWECHHA Team at Padala Charitable Trust pays attention to the plight of adolescent girl child in rural population. It strives to break the silence on menstrual hygiene, child sexual abuse and emotional turbulence in adolescent girls.

 To know more about Project Swechha: Click here.


Project SSS

 Based on the needs and requirements of current day, PCT mostly fuses the above three modules: SET, Sethu and Swechha together into Project SSS.


4. Vaaradhi

 Project Vaaradhi selects children who are orphans or semi orphans from rural/urban government schools. It is designed to empower this section of underprivileged children by providing 360° care until they complete education.

 Understand how Vaaradhi helps orphans and semi orphans: Click here


5. Scholarships 

PCT identifies academically talented students who cannot pursue higher education due to financial handicap and encourage them by providing monetary and moral support.

Know more about the application process for scholarships: Click here


6. Sadguru Puraskaram 

Sadguru Puraskaaram identifies the best among well deserving teachers from government elementary schools and honors them.


7. APPEALS – Supporting Girl Child Education 

 We have several girls with academic excellence but not able to pursue higher education due to the family’s poor financial position. The following are few girls in need. To know more about how you can help, please Click here