AP X Class Examination: If you ask students why X standard is considered as such a big deal, what would they answer?


Oh god! What kind of a question is that sir? We are talking about the AP X Class Examination! We must pass it, get good grades and earn the certificate. Otherwise, our family members and our teachers will be devastated. That is why we are not allowed to play or participate in any extracurricular activities. We are banned from excursions, arts, performances, sports and cultural meets until our brains liquefy from the repeated tests and retelling of lessons from the minute we start X class in the march to the very end of our last exam.

We are express fed syllabus that takes 9 months to complete within 6 months, discussing important questions in our question bank more vigorously than the subject concepts. It is in no way less than a war. Our parents, teachers, even neighbours are hyper-excited about the whole X class exam thing. Government authorities prep for it months in advance. They tirelessly fight to make us pass the exam “one way or another”. Do I still have to explain why X standard is considered as such big of a deal?

Stressing students

Stealing their Childhood?

Anyhow, whatever our adults do for us, they do it for a reason, no? That’s why we stopped questioning the exams, the hype, the system and the validity of our certificate. But, if I must be honest, I have no idea how our life is going to be from now, or how these X class marks change our lives. We sometimes wonder if someone can help us out by clarifying it. But we are too busy by hearting biology answers!

But sometimes few doubts creep up about the whole, all study no play situation: Why were we not so aggressively encouraged to the only study throughout our education up until X class? Are the concepts in those classes not that important? Until we finish filling the last bits in the answer paper of our last exam, we are solely focused on scoring better grades.

Quality education: Practical skills or fancy grades?

But after that we start another confusing journey- up until then, we were only told to look into the question banks. Suddenly we are supposed to make life-altering decisions about the kind of path we would like to stick to for the rest of our lives! How are we suddenly supposed to adult and take decisions? Most of us have never given much thought about what we like, where our strengths and capabilities lie. We have no decision making or problem-solving skills. How do we lead our lives from here?

None of us has any clue about it, nor do we have the kind of time to think about all that!”

AP X Class Examination: If you ask the same question to psychologists, psychiatrists and educational leaders, their answer would be:

X class and the years around it are indeed critical. These are times when children are undergoing rapid transitions to their brains. It’s the time kids learn the right lessons about life, not just lessons from their textbooks. Hormones flood their body during this time. This causes them to have physical and psychological changes.

Children are prone to fluctuating thoughts, fears, anxieties, delusions and a truckload of questions. If you gallop like a racehorse, it’s a mighty force. What would you do if your horse is running hither thither, without knowing what distance they want to go, where to, or with what speed? They have too many doubts and no chances to ask.

The teen brain is not a finished product; it is still in the making. Teens have questions they can’t voice out, but their minds seek answers naturally. They are more prone to be influenced by the thoughts, habits, situations, environment and people that surround them. All these play a key role in shaping their personalities. Teens must, therefore, be handled with lots of care, consciousness and attention.

People are not robots!

You cant expect a fish to fly and then get upset!

Students who are as competent as their teachers are faring well and gaining accolades. On the other hand, a few kids are labelled “weaklings” just because they score lesser marks compared to “toppers”. Until this tyranny of labelling a human’s intelligent based on their grades continues, “weaklings” will be manufactured in the corner of every classroom! The kids are punished and insulted forming a poor self-image. This is very dangerous for society.

The AP X Class Examination dilemma in the wake of Corona:

It is being reported that divorce rates and cases of domestic violence are spiking during this lockdown. Why? We’ve ignored our family members, neighbours and every bond tied in blood in the name of earning. We’ve forgotten how good it feels to share; we’ve forgotten what it is like to coexist with our near and dear.

Emotional intelligence, problem-solving and critical thinking have become things of the past! We have run like racehorses long enough that we don’t even remember why we are running and where to! It is about time we rethink our priorities.

AP X Class Examination

Nobody has figured out about ways to control this virus. Every week, the case counts are increasing. In the wake of all this, we need to rethink if X class exams need this degree of attention and focus even in the midst of a deadly pandemic.

It was announced that the exam pattern is set to change. The 11 papers are now reduced to 6 changing the sections, question types and marking system. Wouldn’t this unexpected change in patterns create more panic? If the exams are postponed by 3 months and conducted in July, wouldn’t that painfully long wait stress the kids?

Should they carry the stress of preparation for 3 extended months? To make things worse, they are now conducting online classes and circulating model papers and time tables with a forged signature of the commissioner of education. Is it even fair to stress out such young kids in this way?

How can kids manage their examination stress in the midst of a health scare?

Even if you believe their career must be prioritized, won’t easing up on the exams give them enough time to prepare for entrances like Polytechnic and APRJC?

They have decided to double the no.of exam centres. This means that children would be travelling to far off places than they need to. Red zone kids might have to appear to exam centres in green and orange zones. Everyone including the students, invigilators and authorities must wear masks and take protective steps. Even if we take all these measures with the utmost care, we can’t guarantee that some unfortunate mishap won’t happen.

In such dangerous circumstances, can the kids feel free to write their exams at the top of their abilities?

There will be lakhs of papers due for evaluation; students need to await the results for another 2 to 3 weeks. What will we all gain as a society by having our kids risk their life over this? Is the risk and worth it for them, at least? Should they scorch everyone in this way to give certificates that they are awarding to every other class? Crores of public money are wasted, thousands of teachers, authorities and kids are risking their lives.

Despite facing a crisis of this scare that is threatening lives and harmony of families, should we still go back to prioritizing careers, exams and paychecks over our lives, relations and happiness? If we are ok promoting kids from VI to IX standard, why on earth do we fuss about making the same life-saving decision for our X standard children? Are their lives and health less valuable than their grades and ranks?

AP X Class Examination

Risking life for an exam? What is the point?

If Corona can’t be controlled by July, the exams must be cancelled anyways. Isn’t it better to make a decision right now instead of wasting 2 months? It’ll also save lives.

Is there anything greater than protecting the health of our students? Let’s think about things that matter!

On AP X Class Examination By P. Surya Prasad, Padala Charitable Trust, Kakinada, padalasurya@yahoo.com

Edited by Pavani Sairam